
Fully set dining table with amazingly detailed cloth with visible folds (for higher realism), some pastry (bread, rolls) and tomato soup in nice and stylish plates. 3D cutlery (knife, spoon and fork) included.

Set for Rhinoceros 5 + V-Ray 2.0, OBJ included.

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Dining table with food and equipment

Matus Nedecky
Matus Nedecky
Matus is a visual enthusiast - loves everything about visual representation in architecture. Disregards “Form follows function,” he always puts “Form follows form” in the front instead. He covers the whole ground - visualizations, 2D & 3D assets, architectural photography, you name it. Matus is also a father of 3, and to stay sharp, he loves working, boxing, Marilyn Manson and driving fast.
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Published at:
Feb 6, 2018
Available files:
Dining table with food and equipment

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