License agreement
FlyingArchitecture is online store of high quality 3d models. When a customer buys one or more of our products in our online store or in any other way, recognizes the validity of this license ("License"). Using the site ("Site") or any FlyingArchitecture products (free 3D models, materials or other products) you are automatically agreeing to follow and be bound by this License. "Content" means all FlyingArchitecture products including free and promotional products and all the files that accompany products, such as textures or images. FlyingArchitecture may revise and update this License at anytime and without notice.
Conditions of use
Any FlyingArchitecture Content are the property of FlyingArchitecture and can be used for private or commercial use only if one of the following is applicable:
- Content was bought by you via FlyingArchitecture or our partner website;
- Content is free and was downloaded from FlyingArchitecture or our partner website;
- Content was granted to you by FlyingArchitecture for promotional or other purposes.
The usage limitations are the following:
- Content can not be distributed, published, sold, assigned, transferred or otherwise redistributed in a form of a 3D model, 3D scene or a texture.
- Content can not be distributed, published, sold, assigned, transferred or otherwise redistributed as part of a scene, animation or in any other format from which any original product, or any part of it can be separately exported, extracted, or decompiled into any redistributable form or format.
- Content can not be used for online systems that allow the downloading of our products or their derivatives in these systems, either in our original format or an encrypted version.
- It is not permitted to remove any notice of copyright, brand name or other proprietary right from any place where it is on or embedded in the Content.
- Content can be modified in any way in order to conform them to your needs, however any such modifications are still derivatives of the original and may not be sold or distributed as your own (whether to be sold separately or packaged/included with any other products/files).
Delivery Policy
All products are delivered via electronic downloads. As soon as order is approved you will be redirected to a page with the download link. You will also receive this link on the e-mail you provided during the registration process.
Refund policy
Since FlyingArchitecture is offering non-tangible, irrevocable goods we do not issue refunds once the order is accomplished and the product is sent. As a customer you are responsible for understanding this upon purchasing any item at our Site. We only make exceptions with this rule on the following reasons:
- non-delivery of the product: due to some mailing issues you do not receive a delivery e-mail from us;
- download issues: it may happen so that you have troubles with downloading of the product;
- irreparable defects, missing textures, files, etc.: although all the products are thoroughly tested before release, unexpected errors may occur. This reason should be submitted to us for refund;
- product not-as-described: a request based on this reason is satisfied on a case by case basis in agreement of both parties concerned. To prevent this situation every customer is suggested to check free products before making the purchase. It helps to research the product's structure and evaluate it's quality.
Requests for a refund are accepted at [email protected] within the period of 1 week after the order is placed. You should accompany this request with detailed and grounded reasons why you apply for a refund. Please make sure your request does not contradict our License agreement.
All copyrights belong to FlyingArchitecture, none of these rights are assigned or transferred to the end-user. All rights are protected by intellectual property laws, international treaty provisions and other applicable laws.
Product images
We have made every effort to display the products as accurately as possible. However, scene lighting and render settings may greatly affect the model and materials look. FlyingArchitecture cannot be held responsible for any settings you use and cannot guarantee your rendered images of any product will be the same as the product images in the catalogue.