WD House livingroom interior 3D Scene ready for Rhinoceros 5 + V-Ray for Rhino 2.0/3.6 and Photoshop.
Full 3D scene with high quality assets, materials and unique storyline for each image.
What’s included:
- 2x Rhinoceros 3D file (.3dm)
- Various textures and V-Ray 2.0/3.6 materials
- V-Ray Lights
- 2x Post Production file in 2500x1406 pix resolution (each PSD was prepared in Photoshop CC)
- Final images - jpeg format
- There is no 3Ds Max, or Sketchup version. 3D scene is distributed in .3dm only
Oct 8, 2017
I have just purchsed - welll done for the clean work !!! I only have a few questions if i may and this regards the photoshop post process work. I am not sure when you use the Reflection filter (this just brings the colour of the reflections up ? ) and also the normals (does this have to do with the bumps? ) - Thanks again !!!
Oct 8, 2017
Ok regarding the normals i understand that IT has nothing to do with the bumps with the surface normals, however im still trying to figure how to use it in post production ! :)
stefan turcovsky
Oct 8, 2017
Hi, reflection filter is indeed color of reflection. In this particular scene it's used to add reflection color and a bit of contrast. But in the end, using all the render channels is more about personal preference and you can experiment with different blending modes to find what you prefer. Normals are great for selection of different faces with the same direction. So, for example you want to add more light to the faces with direct sunlight. Go to select > color range while the normal channel is selected in photoshop. In the color range window, you can star selecting color and affected area with slider. When you click ok, you have active selection you can apply to any adjustment as levels or curves.
Oct 9, 2017
Thanks for the quick reply ! Can i ask why in the living room scene the dad was rendered individually and not as part of the scene ? Do you do these with most 3d people ?
stefan turcovsky
Oct 9, 2017
Sometimes with the smaller focal length it's really difficult to find right cutout especially on the edge where the distortoin is most visible. You can try to match distortion but for this particular scene and sitting position it was so much easier to use 3d model.
Oct 17, 2017
My apologies for the bombardment of questions. It is regarding the rendering of the 3d human. Am i able to render an object in a scene WITHOUT rendering the whole scene ? For example is the human rendered in the specific actual scene with the specific lighting of the scene but on its own ? Thanks again
stefan turcovsky
Oct 18, 2017
Hi, it's not possible to render object in the scene without it. In this case, small region was rendered and then adjusted in postproduction. You can use ID channel to create mask for the person or you can render only person and then use alpha mask and add some adjustments to make it look as natural as you can.
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WD House Livingroom

Stefan Turcovsky
Born in Slovakia, Humenné. Flyingarchitecture artist with a passion for CGI and architecture. My main tools are Rhinoceros and Photoshop. I'm always looking for the new inspiration in every aspect of life because you never know where the new idea is hidden. I love romantic walks on a beach at a sunset, unicorns and laser cats.
Item detail
Published at:
Sep 21, 2016
Available files:
FA_family_v-ray_2.0 3dm files
FA_family_v-ray_2.0 PSD files
FA_family_v-ray_3.6 3dm files
FA_family_v-ray_3.6 PSD files