
Old, weathered, scratched and rusty metal material is set for Rhinoceros 5 + V-Ray 3.60.03, all necessary seamless textures are included in 8k resolution.

Shaderball is not included.

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Rusty metal

Matus Nedecky
Matus Nedecky
Matus is a visual enthusiast - loves everything about visual representation in architecture. Disregards “Form follows function,” he always puts “Form follows form” in the front instead. He covers the whole ground - visualizations, 2D & 3D assets, architectural photography, you name it. Matus is also a father of 3, and to stay sharp, he loves working, boxing, Marilyn Manson and driving fast.
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Published at:
Aug 21, 2018
Available files:
Rusty metal

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