Architecture unchained! 2013 results
Hello FlyingArchitecture fans!
It was quite a journey, wasn’t it? :) The contest started on April 15 and it’s already September… During this time you all have a lot of time to unchain the creative monster in you. Since April, you did your best and submitted final flying buildings as a real designers of the future :)
Thanks a lot to all sponsors, media partners, judges and participants for making this happen!
First of all, I would like to make a little announcement about yesterday’s event and the official results announcement: Unfortunately in the hurry and a bit of stress (as you know, we are co-organizers of this event) I opened the work-in-progress version of PDF file for the presentation and the results were quite different. Not too much, but still. So this way I would like to apologize for the wrong results published, and here I’d like to show You all the true and final results. Thanks for understanding :)
Let’s not make it longer as needed… we all want to know who is a winner, right?
4th place:
Luca Pedrielli
VisualARQ by and 100 credits for Prostaffage
3rd place:
Donald Cokara
Clayoo for Rhino by TDM solutions and Audi R8 tutorial book by
2nd place:
Ewa Gawron
V-Ray licence by ChaosGroup and 10 hours of direct support by ARTC.IT.
If only we could live and travel wherever we want. With no boundries, no booking, no planes needed. Todays breakfast in the mountain, tomorrow dinner at the seaside.
Simple horizontal living units with minimalist architecture can fly and bring up to the vertical docking stations all around the world.
1st place:
Pablo Garcia
Rhinoceros 5 licence by Novedge and Rhino Live by RandomControl
For several months we fly from beach to beach in search of royal fish, but what we’ve found so far is a few shrimp. It does not mater, life goes on and the journey floats between sky and sea. Today we take off with ropes a container from the deep grey waters, it is rusty, covered with seaweed and coral, but after a few adjustments to property, it will accommodate other stateless fishermen like us. I repaired the attachments of the magnetic rings structure, it will hold better it must be, if it doesn’t we are all going to fall and the authorities will catch us. Here we are floating between sky and sea, the air has no borders, we are free as the wind.
Special awards independent on previous results and on each other:
Architectural design:
Matthias Urschler
Space pilot pro by 3Dconnexion
Taking over the concept, flying architecture was for me the perfect opportunity to create an utopian fluid gesture in the sky, whereas the language would completely polarize in comparison to the rigid The museum consists of 3 hovering platforms. If you are a spectator from the city you are able to get a glimpse of the museum through the big deformed openings which perforate the platform. If you are the busy city underneath in an perspective you have never seen the urban fabric before. Finally but not least from the inside the user experiences a total fluidity path trough the exhibitions.
Flying architecture unchain all our restriction primary our restricted mind , I hope you will enjoy a ride with me with the next images !
Best concept:
Daniel Szalapski
Intuos 5S touch by flyingArchitecture
I propose Pod Living, mimicking floating balloons bacteria and or seeds, the world still has gravity but the pods have very little of even none.
Think of a concept like this, you don’t buy a home that is built in one place on the ground with foundations but instead you buy a pod that can move from one place to another you rent or buy a docking space in one of the skyscrapers mentioned later. From the earth there will be shafts ascending to the sky like sky scrapers that act as ambelical cords the pods can connect “dock” to these sky scrapers in either ports that are owned or rented “similar to seaports”. The owned docks will be in the area where you will work and the rented docks will be when you travel. Hopefully the pods can harness solar energy at high altitudes which can propel them in certain directions. The Pods will have a couple of floors living areas with viewing decks and all household amenities. With the best views the world can offer.
Ever heard the phrase pilots have the the best office in the world……. why not live it.
Best detail:
Pablo Garcia
Space Navigator by flyingArchitecture
Best materials:
Pablo Garcia
Space Navigator by flyingArchitecture
So that’s it :) I’d like to thank to all of you who participated for sacrificing this time to our contest and I want also to encourage you to use contest images in your own portfolios to enrich them and probably to get some new professional clients and collaborations :)
All winners will be contacted directly via email!
What are Your thoughts, we are curious! :) – Let us know in the comments area below.