Workshop by FlyingArchitecture in Suzhou, China

Workshop by FlyingArchitecture in Suzhou, China

We are happy to announce that the whole next week Matus and Lukas are going to give  comprehensive lectures at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou, China!

Workshop by FlyingArchitecture in Suzhou, China

The skills of 25 students of the university will get into the lecturer's attention to get them to a whole new level. We prepared quite a massive and detailed 3D scene in Rhinoceros 5 + V-Ray 3.6 that the students will reconstruct  to understand the fundamental principles and ArchViz workflow through the process. The scene portrays a modern family house at a lake in woods and the students will have it at their disposal. This is the software covered in lectures: Rhino, VRay, Photoshop and partly SubstanceDesigner. We hope that the lectures will improve and support the students' individual take on composition, perspective and architecture.

Following images were made in Rhino 5 + V-Ray 3.60.03 + Photoshop.

Workshop by FlyingArchitecture in Suzhou, China

Workshop by FlyingArchitecture in Suzhou, China

Workshop by FlyingArchitecture in Suzhou, China

Workshop by FlyingArchitecture in Suzhou, China

Workshop by FlyingArchitecture in Suzhou, China

Workshop by FlyingArchitecture in Suzhou, China

If you are wondering that lectures like that could come in handy, just let us know and we would arrange a similar event at your place.

It would be great if you could record the lecture and offer it as a tutorial. It looks like I can learn a lot from this lecture as I am very new in this field and trying to learn as much as I can. I follow random tutorials on the internet when the need comes up, but I haven't seen a comprehensive from-beginning-to-end tutorial yet. You can also offer the 3D models used in this scene as a product so you can also earn money. Free tutorial + paid models wouldn't be unreasonable, I think.
Hello, we would like to offer You a workshop possibility in Your country / university. Would that be interesting for You? If so, let us know via contact for and we can discuss this opportunity :)
pedrocalixto949 Jan 1, 2019
Hey Matus, I would love for you to have a workshop in Los Angeles California
Sounds interesting! Shoot me an email via contact form, so we discuss this further.
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