
Set of 12 highly detailed, hand modeled 3D Birch trees. The product contains 6 model variations, each in 2 options - yellow + green leaves and purely yellow leaves. For more information, check out the previews.

Files included:

- 3dm file format (Rhino 5) + V-Ray 3.60.04 materials + textures + Proxy files

- 3dm file format (Rhino 6) + V-Ray Next Upd2 materials + textures + Proxy files

- 3dm file format (Rhino 7) + V-Ray 5 materials + textures + Proxy files

- General OBJ + textures

Real world size: Approximately 13.2m for the highest tree.

Model is very heavy, so it's highly recommended to turn the trees into a Proxy and then make it a Block for significant performance boost. For this purpose, we included such scene ready for Rhino and V-Ray.

House model with it's interior or exterior assets is not included, but can be purchased separately as a fully furnished 3D scene here.


I've try to use the .vrmesh but the materials do not appear. Any tip on that?
I unchecked Mtl Override in VRay but still, the leafs appear bright red while the other parts show blue.

Thank you
Hello, this happens if you directly import proxies to Rhino. You have to open our file, copy trees, paste them into your Rhino instance.
Hi Matus,
I have opened the .3dm file and then reimport the proxies but it always appear blue and pink. I saw that inside the files there is obj and mtl. Is there a way to link back the right materials?
Thank. you
Hi, if this happens, try following: (this is a terrible process, but it works for us): Open the product file with plants in it - Let's call this a file A. Open the file that you need to place these plants to - this one is file B. Copy the proxy plants iin blocks form A to B. Materials will not probably work. So you need to do the following: Go again to A, Select plant blocks, use Explodeblock command, Copy, open the B file, paste. (this might take a while) and immediately after pasting, Delete. this way Rhino will import also materials. Rhino usually don't transfer materials when copyaing and pasting proxies in blocks, that's why we have to do these extra steps, to explode blocks in their original location, copy the proxy files and paste them to the new file - then just delete them, since we do not need these proxies anymore: we will the the original blocks for scattering. I strogly hope upcoming versions of Rhino and V-Ray will fix this terrible issue.
these should be drag and drop, shouldn't they.
When i open them i have to reassign every individual texture.
Is there a fix for this? Vray 5.2 Rhino 7
They should, but due to Chaos group's constant unnecessary releases of new versions of Vray (aka money grabbing), these are not compatible with Vray 5, only Vray 3.6 and Next (as is mentioned in the description). For some reason, proxies are not compatible at all in the latest version, and materials have to be done all over again. It takes a while to update our entire library every two years...
thanks for your reply,
shame. very nice trees though.
we'll make these trees our priority to update in very near future
The trees were updated to Rhino 7 Vray 5 :)
cool! thank you.
and what about "wild birch trees" ?

would be great if you updated them as well.
Hello again, Wild Birch trees were also updated to R7+V5
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Autumn Birch trees

I am a master in creating natural elements, travelling the planet Earth and making the most spectacular objects eternal in the digital world of 3D.
Item detail
Published at:
Sep 17, 2019
Available files:
OBJ + textures
Rhino 5 + V-Ray 3.6
Rhino 5 + V-Ray 3.6 Proxy
Rhino 6 + V-Ray Next Upd2
Rhino 6 + V-Ray Next Upd2 Proxy

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